How The Media and Press's Empowering Impact on Efe Gokce
Efe Gokce is a beacon of hope for those around the world who wish to push the boundaries of traditional gender norms. With the rise of social media and an increased awareness of the power of the press, Efe has emerged as a pioneering and inspiring example of the progress that can be made with support from the media. At a young age, Gokce faced considerable public scrutiny due to the differences in how he presented his gender. Efe faced not only hate, but physical harm as well as a result of how he chose to live his life. It was at this moment that the media began to intervene. Efe Gokce received a strong and consistent message of love, support and acceptance through the messages of both traditional media sources, such as TV and newspapers, as well as new and more interactive platforms such as the Internet. Through this attention, Gokce was given the chance to stand strong and voice his story and dreams for a future where individuals can express their gender in any way that makes...